Rework of photo assignment 5

For assignment 5 I made another photo for the series. This was on suggestion of my tutor and also even before that I’d decided that the angle of view for the original photo of my bathroom was just too odd. Spatially the bath of the original photo sat lopsided in the frame and the focal length (35mm) gave too wide a look to the subject. This might of served in a another context but I figured that another photo might work better.

Whilst finding it difficult to engage enthusiasm for taking the photo again because the subject matter was not thrilling! I soon got into it when I remembered that actually it is part of a series and so keeping me focused in the perspective that I am shooting in.

I used flash (bounced off of the ceiling) with a grid to control excess spillage of light in order to enhance the items of the bath and the area of the bath. The original photos was quite dark. Another reason to re-do it. The visual perspective of seeing more of the objects in the bathroom also fits in better overall with the series as the rest show a wider angle of view into different parts of the house.

Original photo for assignment 5

A few technical points

This image was taken with an 80mm lens as opposed to the majority that were shot with 35mm.

Getting the photo right was difficult because of the limited opening into the space through the door and the space at the head of the bath. Therefore I had to make a technical compromise by losing a little bit of the bath at one end.

Replacement image for assignment 5 final photo.

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