Slow shutter: 3.2

Part three: Traces of time

Exercise 3.2

I took delight in this section of the course at the instructional words: ‘experiment as much as you like’…this for me is when in a sense I start to find more of the creative energy arising.

So in this section I tried to explore the theme of slow shutter speed from various angles. Experiment is what I did, both working to create some sequences and series. In the log notes and research you’ll see more of the background work leading to this exercise.

Images placed here in the order that I made them in the exercise.

Series 1: Street move

This first set were produced by exposing on ‘bulb’ after waiting several seconds moving the camera on a tripod swiveled 180 degrees. In some cases there and back. Thus the exposure captures a sort of layer effect or even a multiple exposure effect. This was purely experimental on my part.


These two photos were shot as a pair.


With this final image I waited for more darkness and rather than a 180 degree move I simply moved the camera back and forth a little so as not to over distort the composition. The aim of the three images has been to explore a somewhat surreal effect within the photo.


A horizontal frame shot as a standard camera movement photo. This induces a sense of dynamism and moment into the picture. In a sense it exaggerates what is actually going on. I like the effect of a simple camera moving action on an otherwise banal image such as this. The leading line structure of the street aid the photo and keeps some discipline in the direction of the eye towards the walking figure.


Series 2: ‘I am that’

After looking at the work of Francesca Woodman I felt deeply moved and inspired to shoot something a bit more existential. I found the skeleton (I teach anatomy to yoga students) and used it as a prop to try to give expression to movement through slow shutter speed. I think that it is a strongly expressive set, combined with the series below ‘My struggle with death’ which used the same prop and a staged image, but with a different idea, that of an inner conflict with death (the idea of).


I decided to play with the image by way of mixing myself with the skeleton to produce a somewhat ambiguous visual image whereby it is not entirely clear what is happening. In each of these images, if you look you’ll see that the front of the skeleton faces the front of the body. I was trying to play with the visual effect of it being the wrong way around. The skeleton looking into its own body if you like. The idea of the title ‘I am that’ came from a book on hinduism popular in the 70’s. A questionable title with no specific or rather a shrouded meaning that needs to be investigated by reflection and contemplation.


Each image in the series has a different feel. Mainly what I was trying to do here is show a sense of movement but with uncertain reason.


The image below has a strong adjustment of clarity to (something like -30) in order to blur further the behind and in front aspects of the photo to blend the two.


Series 3: My struggle with death

This is a sequence of four images that I tried to explore dramatic scene taking place as depiction of the inner struggle with the idea of death. The final decider on all matters! I used a range of techniques, including a speed light gelled red. The red ( wanted to add intensity to the scene) seemed appropriate to the struggle taking place. In terms of composition the image works to draw the viewer in on the basis that it has surreal qualities to it.

fight_with_death_series4 fighting_with_death_series1jpg fighting_with_death_series2jpg fighting_with_death_series3

Series 4: Ghost

I used this scene at night to mount an image based on illusion, using a slow shutter speed of 30 secs.

The overall effect was quite pleasing. I also incorporated the use of the light from my mobile phone shone into my face, whilst I moved back from the camera to create an impression of movement.

ghost_1 ghost2

Final sequence

This is a sequence that I did to create a sense of a happening, a story or an event about to take place. Its is staged of course. I think that it could have been improved by using even more blur and less definition in the protagonist. This may have helped to leave some question marks as to what was/or is going on.


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