Exercise 4.2

Exercise 4.2

Exposing a scene at different times of the day

I took these images from in the village where I stay some of the time during the year. They were shot between 8.00am and 5.00pm.

The first image at 8.00am is quiet, subdued and lacking contrast. It has a soft evenness to it. There is more red/orange in the light.

The second image taken at 10.00am has a more glaring quality, produces more contrast and is more direct as the sun was higher. The highlights are stronger in the scene as it is more diffracted.

The third image is more intense as the sun is higher still. There is little shadow, the light is strong and direct and burns out contrast and colours.

The fourth image at 3.00 pmish is more mellow and quieter. It has more shadow cast, but still has a certain glaring quality to it.

The last image at 5.00 pm is quieter and more subdued again. The feeling is smooth and settled rather than buzzing and intense. There is some cast of orange/red but not as strong as sunrise.

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